Retention, Graduation, & Outcomes

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Retention, Graduation, & Outcomes


graduation celebration

Retention and graduation rates are an important indicator of whether the UO is meeting its goals of successfully transitioning students to college life and minimizing institutional barriers to academic progress. Positive post-graduation outcomes indicate students are well-prepared for employment, further education, or meaningful contributions to society.


Overall retention and graduation rates of first-time, first-year students, broken out by demographics

Retention and graduation rates of first-time, first-year students, broken out by school/college and demographics


Retention and graduation rates of transfer students, broken out by demographics

Compare the UO's retention and graduation rates with those of national and regional peer institutions, with additional context related to predictors of retention and graduation


Departmental profiles help departments learn about their majors; discover how their unit contributes to student success; and find areas of focus for assessment activities. 

The Student Achievement Measure (SAM) is a transparency initiative tracking student progress across institutions, providing a view of undergraduate success within the higher education system

The continuation rates and top subject areas for students who pursued additional education after receiving a baccalaureate degree from the University of Oregon 


Post-graduation outcomes for UO graduates such as employment status, industries, career trajectories, and the pursuit of further education

Federally-mandated public disclosure of a college's completion rate and transfer rate