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Surveys in higher education play a pivotal role in understanding and enhancing the experience of members of our university community. The majority of institutional surveys focus on the student experience, providing valuable insights into student engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes. Additionally, targeted surveys like the Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct address specific issues crucial for fostering a safe and supportive environment on campus.

Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) is a survey instrument developed by the University of California-Berkeley to measure student engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes in research universities. It collects data on topics such as academic programs, campus climate, and career goals.


National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) collects valuable data on college student experiences and institutional performance in US and Canadian colleges. By surveying first-year and senior students, NSSE supports accountability demands for evidence on student learning and institutional improvement.

Report summarizing the 2015 and 2019 Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct at the University of Oregon. The survey aimed to measure the prevalence of sexual assault, collect student perspectives on the climate, and evaluate their awareness of resources.

Learn about institutional surveys, survey best practices, and the UO Survey Committee


Workplace climate survey designed to identify individual, unit-based, structural, cultural, and institutional factors that improve or worsen campus climate.